A cheeky website about deals, dealmakers and anything else I find interesting. Edited by Ben Harrington. If you have a tip, want to discuss a story or have a subscription enquiry please feel free to email Betaville at [email protected]. Betaville can also be reached at Whats App, Signal or Telegram. Betaville's Twitter handle is @bharringtonw11 and you can message me via Twitter with stories.

Betaville Intelligence

Centaur Media said to be in talks about a sale of Homebuilding and Renovation division to private equity firms - sources - part 2

Wednesday, 29 March 2017, 8:55 am

Centaur Media, publisher of Marketing Week, has finally got round to confirming little old Betaville's Intelligence piece about how the publishing and events group is exploring a sale of its Homebuilding and Renovation division.

Here is the link to this morning's announcement from Centaur Media:..


Tullow Oil said to be close to selling North Sea pipeline to Independent Oil and Gas - sources

Tuesday, 28 March 2017, 7:16 pm

Followers of little old Betaville's antics might recall that a few weeks ago on Tip TV I noted there were a few things afoot with AIM-listed tiddler Independent Oil & Gas. Here is the link to that clip in case you don't recall:



Revealed: Incisive Media's Risk division sold to mystery French buyer for £120m - sources - part 2

Monday, 27 March 2017, 6:03 pm

I see freesheet City Am has followed up on little old Betaville's scoopette about Incisive Media, publisher of Investment Week, and its £120 million French deal. Click on the link below if your interested in the story:



Revealed: Incisive Media's Risk division sold to French buyer for £120m - sources

Monday, 27 March 2017, 10:22 am

A mystery French company has bought Incisive Media's Insight group, publisher of trade well-known City titles such as Risk and the Insurance Post.

Private equity sources said the French company is thought to have agreed a deal with Incisive Media's owners that will see it pay around £120 million for Insight Group...


Top of the market? - the series returns - part 5

Saturday, 18 March 2017, 4:53 pm

I rekindled my "top of the market?" series back in late December 2016 as the FTSE 100 index began to flirt with a recod high of 7100. Here is the link to that piece in case you don't recall:


But since then the blue-chip index has powered on, closing yesterday at just over 7400...


How Sir Philip Green, a BBC business editor and ailing retailer helped an intrepid young hack win business and finance journalist of the year award at the Press Awards

Wednesday, 15 March 2017, 10:39 am

Congratulations to Oliver Shah, City Editor over at The Sunday Times.

Olly, a sometime colleague, last night got his just deserves for his series of brilliant scoops about Sir Philip Greed, the strange sale of BHS to Dominic Chappell for a £1 and the evenutal collapse of the business.

Most importantly, Olly's scoops, stories and investigative features played a large part in Sir Philip coughing up £363 million for the BHS pension scheme...


Water deals

Wednesday, 15 March 2017, 10:00 am

It's good to see the chaps at Omers and Wren House finally pull off a water deal yesterday.

In case you don't recall, I broke the story back in 2013 about how Canada's Borealis, a division of Omers, and the Kuwaiti Investment Authority (which is now operating the Wren House guise) teamed up to mount a joint £5 billion plus bid for FTSE 100-listed Severn Trent. Here is the link to that piece:..


Betaville Intelligence

Engie said to be working with Rothschild on potential Suez acquisition - sources

Tuesday, 14 March 2017, 7:53 pm

French gas utility Engie has been working with bankers at Rothschild on a potential acquisiton of Suez.

Earlier this week, Bloomberg reported that Engie is talking to certain banks about a potential $19.8 billion purchase of German renewable energy company Innogy. French reports have subsequently played down the Bloomberg report, with BFM claiming Engie has no interest in being a minority shareholder. German utility company RWE owns a 76.8pc stake in Engie...


Revealed: why China Africa Resources changed its name to Pembridge Resources

Tuesday, 14 March 2017, 6:36 pm

To the AIM bulletin boards where investors appear to have got rather excited about China Africa Resources's proposal to change its name to Pembridge Resources.

The move to change the company's name comes after David Linsley - one of the founders of Cross Asset Management (older readers might recall the investment firm was one of first London-based event driven hedge funds set up in the City) - was appointed as chief executive in February...


[Disclaimer - the information on Betaville does not consitute any form of investment recommendation and is not intended to be relied upon by readers in making, or refraining from, any investment decisions].