Betaville Intelligence

UNCOOKED ALERT: Vodafone said to ... - Part 5

Rivals at Bloomberg just landed a stonking scoop about a company that is very much at the centre of Betaville's attention at the moment: Vodafone.

According to the news agency, Swedish activist Cevian has taken a shareholding in the FTSE 100 telecoms giant and held talks with the company.

And avid followers of the activist fund know that Cevian has form in picking investments that eventually get bid for, such as blue chip insurer RSA...


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Date: Friday, 28 January 2022, 10:46 pm

[Disclaimer - the information on Betaville does not consitute any form of investment recommendation and is not intended to be relied upon by readers in making, or refraining from, any investment decisions].

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